The Bakersfield Grid Bakersfield

Latest line: A good week for Willie Brown, a bad week for Apple

“Ayatollah of the Assembly” hits a milestone as regulators pummel a Silicon Valley titan. Willie Brown, California's longest-serving Assembly speaker and San Francisco's first Black mayor, turns 90 and celebrates with a party at City Hall. Despite a $113 billion loss in value after a federal antitrust lawsuit and European regulators investigating its fees and terms, Apple could lose 10% of annual worldwide revenues. Bakersfield GOP assemblyman wins the primary to replace Kevin McCarthy in Congress, but will face fellow Republican, Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, in the May special election.

Latest line: A good week for Willie Brown, a bad week for Apple

نشرت : قبل 3 أشهر بواسطة Bay Area News Group في Politics Tech

California’s longest-serving Assembly speaker and San Francisco’s first Black mayor turns 90, outliving most of his rivals and celebrating at a big party in SF City Hall with typical flair while appearing 20 years younger.

Cupertino tech giant loses $113 billion in value after feds file antitrust lawsuit, and European regulators open investigation into its fees and terms that could cost the company 10% of annual worldwide revenues.

Bakersfield GOP assemblyman wins primary to succeed Kevin McCarthy in Congress. But in the ruby red district, he’ll face a fellow Republican, Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, in the May special election.

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