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Empowering Lamont families: Former NASA astronaut José Hernández encourages them to aim hi

Hundreds of Lamont elementary school district families for the annual cene con sus hijos event.lori gonzalez—superintendent 1:03-1:09 “we've had it where we've Hundreds of Lamont Elementary School District families gathered for their annual Dinner With Your Children event, which aims to foster family engagement and quality time with their children. The event was attended by former NASA astronaut José Hernández, who shared his personal journey to achieve his dream and emphasized the pivotal role parents play in fostering dreams. Hernändez's story was shared with families as well as how he managed dual education and a nomadic lifestyle, including facing numerous rejections before achieving his dream. The food and activities included a free chicken dinner and activities.

Empowering Lamont families: Former NASA astronaut José Hernández encourages them to aim hi

公開済み : 7ヶ月前 沿って Eyewitness News, Tony Salazar,

Hundreds of Lamont Elementary School District families gathered together for the annual Cene Con Sus Hijos, or Dinner With Your Children, yearly event.

"We've had it where we've had a good turnout, but this time was overwhelming."

A free family-style chicken dinner and activities filled the evening--All dedicated to fostering family engagement and quality time with their children.

"We have the day-to-day where we have instruction, which is absolutely important, but sometimes our students don't see where that instruction takes you," Lamont Elementary School District Superintendent Lori González said. "And so to be able to have events like this, where we're able to show look dreams can happen..."

Families also heard from the first Mexican-American migrant NASA astronaut, José Hernández, who, like many Lamont families, "Came from a migrant farm working family, my parents came over from Michoacan, and we would spend nine months in California, three months in Mexico, said Hernández. "And during those nine months, we moved to three different places."

Hernández shared with families how he managed the dual demands of education and a nomadic-like lifestyle, including facing numerous rejections before achieving his dream.

"It's not a showstopper if they get rejected. You just regroup and come back stronger, and you keep trying, keep preparing yourself, and keep trying that's what I did," said Hernández. "I did that 12 times; 12 times was a charm for me."

He also underscored the pivotal role parents play in fostering dreams.

"I want parents to realize how important they are in their children's lives today and how they can empower their kids into believing they can do something otherwise, they may think they can't like being an astronaut."

Or becoming the next big soccer player for Isabella Villanuva, who says after hearing Hernández's inspiring story, she feels ready for anything that comes her way.

"To keep on following your dream and never give up even if a person is telling you to," said Isabella.

Her mom, Rosa, agrees and says having someone that resonates with them makes the message that much more empowering.

(English translation) "It's very important because almost all of the workers here are agriculture workers, like him, so, these events gets us really motivated, never let us back down on our dreams, and motivates us to support our children," said Villanuva.

"Reach for the stars, the possibilities are endless, and I think that by having somebody that looks like us and sounds like us, it's a very inspiring for our children to see that anything that they dream for, they can accomplish," said Sandra De La Torre.

Hernandez's life story is unfolding on television screens across the country by watching his new biopic movie based on his life leading up to becoming a NASA astronaut. His film, A Million Miles Away, is available to watch on Amazon Prime.

トピック: Space, NASA

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